Ranch life is supposed to be this exciting time; purportedly riding the range, singing a song – maybe with a pretty girl riding along (Roy and Dale?).
Well, I am here to report, that is a myth.

We are in late summer here in the high desert of eastern Oregon which is normally very comfortable this time of year. 2022 has been a weather anomaly with very high temperatures and little relief in sight; little summer rain and a terrible fly season on the cows. Just yesterday we gathered all the cows and placed fly tags in their ears to give them some respite from these pesky critters.
We did ship the yearling steers last week, and they did very well. That was good news. The same week, our ranch hand quit unexpectedly so our workload greatly increased until we find a replacement.
On the bright side, the Lake County Roundup is this week so we are looking forward to a few days of catching up with old friends.
This all to say, like anything in life, there are always peaks and valleys, but we make the best of each day as they willingly come.
Best of luck,
Chet Vogt
Photo credit: Kenny Calhoun
Chet: Glad you got those yearlings to market and things are leveling off at Vogt. Dealers
are heavy on inventory, will have to tough it out. You folks all have a healthy, safe Labor
Day weekend. I’ll be at the quarter horse races in Ruidoso, NM……watching the quarter
mile action. All best,
Tug Ross
Smoky Mountian Boot
Flott, – hvorfor ikke lage ett Roy Rogers Belte-penne ?
If I wasn’t already at a ranch, I’d apply to ride for your brand