Life On The Ranch: Meet Royal Boon Roan a.k.a. Slick Willie

Vogt presents: Life On the Ranch, a series of short stories, photos, and videos sharing snapshots from the Vogt family cattle ranches. Written by Angela Vogt.

Chet and Angela “acquired” Willie on a trade with some friends in the fall of 2018, he was a long yearling at the time. Not really knowing what they had just traded for, Angela went to work with him. For the next two years Willie proved to be an outstanding individual in his training in all three disciplines of the Rein Cow Horse, so they decided he would be entered in the 2020 Reno Snaffle Bit Futurity.

In order to be successful the horse must be proficient in cutting, reining, and working a cow down the fence. Each discipline is unique and requires many days of training for that event. Angela competes in the Non-Pro division, and is unique in the fact that she primarily trains her own horses, getting help along the way from some good trainers.

Angela showed the first day at the futurity in the cutting. They cut some tough cows and scored a 207 which had them tied with three others for 12th out of 20 horses in the class. Next up was the reining, then the cow work down the fence. A saying in this event is IT AIN'T OVER TILL THE FENCE WORK IS DONE. Angela finished over all at 3rd place.

This was a GREAT accomplishment, passing some very good horse/rider teams.

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